Chapter 2: Races

Chapter 2: Races:

As mentioned previously (To Start With)…

“On the subject of races; Humans with no innate magical abilities whatsoever are the predominant race in the WoGH.  Playing a Human PC will allow you to move about in relative anonymity.

In fact, playing a demi-human PCs (an Elf or Dwarf, for example) in the WoGH may actually be slightly detrimental to a low-level party, drawing unwanted attention and possible suspicion in the wake of the recent 12-year-long “Hateful War” fought against the Goblinoids (Goblins, Hobgoblins, Orcs, Kobolds and Gnolls).  In truth, that conflict is not yet truly over, and some final, horrible outcome may yet be seen.

That’s not to say you cannot play a demi-human.  But it’s important to understand that the majority of the population of the WoGH is human, and there’s an undercurrent of ethnocentrism, even between the various human races.”



For my campaigns I allow the following five sub-races of Humans in the WoGH as PCs:

  • Flan
  • Oeridian
  • Baklunish
  • Rhennee (only the seafaring sub-race is available to PCs)
  • Suloise

There are two other Human sub-races which are not available to PCs:

  • Olman
  • Touv

My campaigns generally start in the Central Flanaess, in or near the Free City of Dyvers.  In that area three Human sub-races are prevalent; the Flan, the Oeridians and the Baklunish.

The Flan were the original settlers in the area that is now Dyvers, establishing an early trading post and fishing village, and are the aboriginal inhabitants of the Central Flanaess overall.  When visualizing their culture, it may be appropriate to think of a Celtic culture, crossed with the nomadic elements of Native American tribes.  Their bronze skin ranges from a lighter coppery hue to deep brown. Their hair tends to be wavy or curly, and from black to brown. They have strong, broad faces and sturdy builds.  This race still forms the largest racial stock of the peoples of Dyvers.  Watch this YouTube video for an in-depth look at the Flan people.

The Oeridian people were early immigrants to the region.  They quickly displaced the Flan in the area that is now Dyvers and founded the original town.  The Oeridians approximate post-Roman Italian or Mediterranean culture.  They are the descendants of proud horse nomads from central Oerik, have olive or tan skin and any color of hair from honey-blonde to black. The Oeridians went on to found the mighty Great Kingdom and co-founded the Kingdom of Keoland, so their influence on everything from language to culture in the Flanaess is considerable.  This race still forms the largest influence on the peoples of Dyvers.  This race provides the most influential cultural influence in Dyvers.  Watch this YouTube video for a closer look at the Oeridians.

The Baklunish arrived in a later migration.  Their culture might be compared to the Mongol culture of northern China with its endless grassy steppe.  These are golden-skinned humans, less mixed than the races of the central Flanaess, who dwell mainly along the Dramidj Ocean and plains and steppes to the south. The Wolf Nomads are Baklunish with heavy Flan admixture.  Baklunish hair is usually straight, dark, and very fine, and their eyes tend toward green. They have long limbs and facial features, with high cheekbones.  The best-known Wizards, Astrologers, Mathematicians and Scientists of Dyvers are Bakluni.  Watch this YouTube video for a better understanding of the Baklunish people.

In the vicinity of Dyvers over hundreds of years these three sub-races have shared cultures, dress, and intermarried, blending into what is now occasionally being fashionably be called “Dyverse” – an unofficial moniker invented by the people to whom it refers, probably in an attempt to stylishly set themselves apart from the neighboring nations and peoples.

While this is not an official Human sub-race, it bears some explanation here, and Dyverse is available for a player to choose as the race for their PC.

In physical appearance, these “Dyverse” closely resemble the Flan – the predominant racial stock of the area.  They, tend to be somewhat stocky, with a rugged hardiness and a fatalistic bent.  There are few more energetic people than the “Dyverse” – perhaps another reason for the new racial title.

The Oeridian immigrants contributed to the “Dyverse” an almost manic preoccupation with hard work and civic pride.  The truly immense stone walls of Dyvers, its broad cobbled streets and magnificent central Keep were not raised by magic but by the sweat of the brow of countless free citizens determined to provide for themselves and their city.  With such a willingness to see a job through to the end, it is not surprising that the “Dyverse” take pride in their city… and enjoy their time off.

For all their sturdy determination, the citizenry is exotically flamboyant in a stolid sort of way.  Civic display is everywhere, as the people of Dyvers enjoy decorating their city with sculptures, friezes, and murals.  This impulse is most evident during Dyvers’ numerous civic holidays when great pageants and fairs are held.  Even celebrating life in their city, a good “Dyverse” will not pass up the opportunity to turn a profit.

The Baklunish concept of community expressed in their construct of “The Four Feet Of The Dragon” – honor, family, generosity and piety still holds strong in Dyvers.  This concept is stylized into a four-clawed dragon claw, and that motif is common in the Free City.

A fourth race is common to Dyvers – or more accurately, to the Nyr Dyv or “Lake of Unknown Depths”, the largest freshwater lake in the Flanaess – and that is the race of the Rhennee.  These nomads live a seaborne lifestyle and culture on barges that hold individual families.  They ply the width and breadth of the Nyr Dyv, occasionally coming together in clusters of dozens or even a hundred barges tied together appearing before dawn just outside of a major port to trade for a few days, before slipping away, always at night, on the waves as quickly as they came.

The complexion of Rhenn-folk ranges from olive to tan, and their hair is usually curly and tends to be black or dark brown. Most have eyes of gray, blue, or hazel, but green is known in some families. The Rhennee are generally short but strong and wiry, with men averaging 5 ft. 6 in. and women somewhat less.

They superficially resemble Oeridians, and in some cases where Rhennee aren’t common or populous, they may be mistaken for being Oeridian.

They are not in the practice of intermarrying with any other Human sub-races.

Rhennee dress in muted colors, and each adult male has a set of homemade leather armor of good quality.  The cut and style of their clothing is simple and functional, eschewing the fashion-minded concerns of other races.

With regard to how they are seen by outsiders, the Rhennee might be thought of as gypsies similar to the Romani – a nomadic people living across Europe for centuries.  Like the Romani, the Rhennee are often mistrusted and thought of as grifters and thieves.

Although the majority of Rhennee are seafaring nomads, a small, rare group live and travel in hard-covered wagon trains. These are known broadly as the “Attloi”, although that’s actually a Bakluni racial slur (“These dogs in the wagons claim to be Rhennee too, but they’re Attloi – gamblers, liars, and chicken stealers!”).  The seafaring Rhennee also look down on the Attloi who they see as having “left the sea behind”, even to using that name for them, although both groups refer to themselves as Rhennee, or the “true folk”.

The Suloise culture and temperament is similar to the early Scandinavian or Germanic tribes.  The Suloise are pale, some nearly albino, with kinky or curly hair of blonde or red.  They tend to be tall and lean.  Watch these two YouTube video (1 and 2) for a better understanding of Suloise culture and history.  To many non-Suel, all Suel are likely suspected of secretly belonging to the Scarlet Brotherhood.

Two other races are present in my campaign environment, though rarely seen.

The Olman are a brown-skinned people found mainly in the tropics of Hepmonaland and the Amedio Jungle.  Their hair is straight and black, and their eyes are very dark. They have high cheekbones and high-bridged noses.  Culturally, they may be thought of as similar in culture to the native peoples of Central and South American culture, perhaps Aztec.

The Touv have very dark brown to completely black skin, straight black hair, and startlingly blue eyes. They also dwell in Hepmonaland, mostly to the south of the Olman lands.  Very little is known about this race, and they have no easy ‘real world’ equivalent.

Innate Human Skills;

Skills such as horsemanship, seamanship, basic wilderness skills (perception skill), basic urban skills (perception skill), fleetness of foot (base walking speed increases to 35 feet), resistance to charm, resilience (advantage on saving throws against poison per Chapter 9), combat training (various weapons), and other innate attributes may be awarded by the DM during character generation, based on your place of birth, and early history from your character description.  Coordinate in advance directly with the DM on this.



I allow these Demi-Human races as PCs:

  • Dwarves
  • Elves
  • Halflings
  • Gnomes

I do NOT allow the following races and sub-races as PCs:

  • Dragonborn
  • Tieflings
  • Hill Dwarves, Mountain Dwarves and Duergar
  • High Elves, Wood Elves and Drow
  • Lightfoot Halfling and Stout Halfling
  • Forest Gnomes, Rock Gnomes and Deep Gnomes
  • Half-Orcs and Half-Elves… no “half” anything

However, I reserve the right to occasionally, use these races and sub-races as NPCs depending on the location and nature of the campaign.

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